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The production process of sun-dried fresh fruit

タレコミ by Anonymous Coward
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、
part. Cut the washed fruit, the thickness is optional, I think about 1CM is better, and the taste is also very good.

Sun drying method. The method of drying is to put the minimized fruit on a plate, put it in the sun, change it every 5 hours, and dry it for about 2-3 days, and the fresh fruit can also be dried.

You can also use a fruit dryer to speed up drying. fruit dryer machine ,Spread the fresh fruit pieces evenly on the plate, not too thick, and press them into a dry space to dry. Set the temperature and time. The temperature really shouldn't be too high at first, so as not to flow out the normal water too quickly at first glance. When the time is up, the device will automatically stop packing dry fresh fruit.


The employment and principle of fresh fruit dryer

Advantages and scope of use of fruit dryers

What are the advantages of choosing a fruit dryer

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