: a lever in an airplane that operates the elevators by a fore-and-aft motion and the ailerons by a side-to-side motion
: a control for any of various devices (such as a computer) that resembles an airplane's joystick especially in being capable of motion in two or more directions
やっぱり俗語は載ってないのかなと下の方まで見ていくと、Word Historyのセクションに
perhaps from English slang joystick penis
From joy + stick. First attested around 1910 (as joy-stick) as the control stick on an airplane. Its relation to the word joy is unclear.
1. A mechanical device consisting of a handgrip mounted on a base or pedestal and typically having one or more buttons, used to control an aircraft, computer, or other equipment.
2. (slang) A penis.
board なのか? (スコア:0)
Gstick じゃないのか?と小並感
Re: (スコア:0)
Gstick じゃないのか?と小並感
Joy Stickが大人のオモチャの隠語なので避けたんじゃないかな
# Gスポット対応の新機能搭載
Re:board なのか? (スコア:0)
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/joystick [merriam-webster.com]
1 : a lever in an airplane that operates the elevators by a fore-and-aft motion and the ailerons by a side-to-side motion
2 : a control for any of various devices (such as a computer) that resembles an airplane's joystick especially in being capable of motion in two or more directions
やっぱり俗語は載ってないのかなと下の方まで見ていくと、Word Historyのセクションに
perhaps from English slang joystick penis
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/joystick [wiktionary.org]
From joy + stick. First attested around 1910 (as joy-stick) as the control stick on an airplane. Its relation to the word joy is unclear.
1. A mechanical device consisting of a handgrip mounted on a base or pedestal and typically having one or more buttons, used to control an aircraft, computer, or other equipment.
2. (slang) A penis.